Our Vision for Plainfield
The 2013 Master Plan was developed over the preceeding three years. It is intended to offer a blueprint about how we would like Plainfield to evolve and grow. Community wide surveys done in 1993, 1996 and 2006 make clear that Plainfield residents value the town’s natural resources, agricultural heritage, historic buildings, social and cultural institutions, and its scenic and rural character. We also appreciate the special places and qualities of a small community that make it an attractive place to live, work and raise families.
We want to ensure that future development is sustainable, and that we preserve the natural environment while allowing for a vital and healthy economic and social future. Retaining a high quality visual landscape through thoughtful land use planning encourages community pride and has positive economic consequences. We want to preserve existing residential neighborhoods and our two historic villages while promoting home based and other businesses that will meet local needs and provide employment opportunities. We want to remain a community that is diverse and provides housing opportunities for people of all income levels. We want to maintain a strong sense of place and a “friendly” community by supporting community traditions and events and by encouraging civic engagement, volunteerism, and active participation.